Hoh.. im frickin bored today.. it seems like I have nothing to do since morning. Theres a bit here and there la but I cant do anything till the bosses are back. There are some letters that needs to be sent out urgently…
Anyways, Im killing the time that I have by surfing the net for some recipes… heheh.. a few that I wanted to try out during this fasting month… since we are ‘maidless’ this fasting month, I decided to be the dessert provider.. or otherwise buka puasa will only consists of kurma, air manis and nasik + lauk. B.o.r.i.n.g.
well.. I noticed that a few ppl thot that im hopeless in the kitchen. Well….. I know im not that good la but I sure know my way round there… thing I can say is that don’t judge a book by its cover…. Huhu.. but then I don’t mind that at all… im quite comfortable pretending that I cant tell the difference between a pot and a pan.. like acting dumb and stuffs just to play along.. hehe
i 'ciloked' this tag frm a blog while bloghopping this mornin
five things in my bag
1- wallet
2- pepper spray
3- handphones
4- lipstick & compact
5- keys (house, car,)
five things in my wallet
1- atm card
2- pics
3- JJ Card - hehe
4- licence
5- credit card
five favourite things in my bedroom
1- my bed, my pillows and my comforter
2- altec lansing subwoofer speaker
3- my makeups
4- clothes
5- my bags
five things i wish to do
1- wear pants to work.. huhu (not that I don’t wear anything to work, but we are not allowed to wear pants. Instead we are only allowed to wear skirts and baju kurung..)
2- get rich
3- go for a vacation to europe
4- buy a laptop
5- decorate my own house
five things i am doing right now
1- answering this tag
2- trying to look bz
3- browsing for recipes
4- chatting wit some frends
5- alternating between windows when my bosses walks behind my desk....
im tagging nghl and lla.. hapdet jgn tak hapdet. he he he........
p/s: im leaving u all with this pic.. with a message.. chill~~~~ huhuhu...
panggilan pulau
2 say(s) what??:
tak kosa akus.
adoi apap ni..saje jek. aku rs nughul elok wat sbb dier jarang hapdet. aku slalu hapdet ape. huhu.
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