plan aku pada hari ini adalah untuk tgk cite threehundred with my partner in crime at smmit, sbg dgn menggunakan kupon buy 1 free 1 yg aku jumpa kat intenet.. i think is a general knowledge that we are in the world economic breakdown right now (for me at least.. ehe).. so i thot im a samrty pantslah can watch movie for rm5 on a saturday (tong2 satu tiket ngan nghl.. hehehe).. rupanya cite tu tak termasuk dalam offer.. demmitlahhhh.. hampa.. so dengan duit 15 hinggit yang tinggal, terpaksala byr 10 hinggit utk tiket wyg.. dahla seme atm tak function sbb tgh upgrade system.. giles.. nasib baik ada tinggal 5 hinggit lagi nak bayar duit tol balik.. sungguh menyedihkan kehidupanku skrg ini.
anyways, all i have to say bout the movie is; WOW! mmg bes bes bes... tak sedar langsung yang cite tu dua jam.. tau2 je dh abis.. giles.. all the reviews i read were proven true. and i concurr that the movie is indeed beautiful.. after watching the movie, being the poyo that i am i surfed http://300themovie.warnerbros.com/ for anything that can refresh my memory of the movie and leonidas.. (he is so hotttt.. smokin') .. i was so shocked to find out that 80% of the movie was shot with the
blue and green screen on the background. dan jugak 100% movie tu shoot kat studio je.. giloss.. and my, the set was damn small.. the graphic team must be tahap dewa2 punya lah.. and pelakon2 also, i cant imagine macam mana derang leh bayangkan tempat tu cam kat luar padahal nak kena berlakon perang.. hehehe.. tp mmg syok la tgk derang lawan.. the movement is so strong and precise.. gagah perkasa bak kat nghl. sungguh macho.. *grins idiotically* oh, this reminds me of one thing yang aku mmg tak puas hati psl cite2 perang.. dalam scene2 perang tu.. contoh cerita cam lotr, thePatriot, etc, camna la bila ketua dia bebel bagi kata2 semangat kat depan tu semua orang yg beribu2 kat belkang tu leh dengar?? tk puas hati betull.. biasalah. aku kan suka pk byk. ada lagi la bbrp benda yg aku tak puas hati tapi malas nak elaborate.. but then, all of it boleh dimaafkan la sbb cite tu bes.. hehe... hmmm.. ni mmg nak kena carik dvd nih..... nghl, menyesal aku x beli dvd cite ni masa kita mkn petang tu... huwaa....

so i went back that evening with 5 bucks in my pocket, and an idiotic grin on my face..teringt2 kat leonidas yang macho itus.. that 5 bucks is just enough to pay my toll back home which amounted to RM4.40. and i borrowed another 5 bucks frm nghl just in case if anything happens. macam la 5 hinggit can buy me anything these days.. haha.

klah.. i think im gonna get some shut eye b4 i wake up again around 1 o clock to catch the mosthaunted reality series yg tak berapa nak best tu tp aku suke tgk.. hehe..
2 say(s) what??:
kiranya hrtu ditabalkan oleh aku hr berbelanja yg maha bijaksananya. muehehe. i lap u leonidasssssss (dgn sora beralun2 dibawa angin lalu merentasi pdg yg lalang berdaun koko).
ape korang ni?? patut semangat berjuang..ni korang berangau2 pulak. hish!!!
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