marah tau... ngiaowww
f*ckety f*ck. sepanjang hari dalam meeting hari ni aku kena belasah dan belasah dan belasah. betulla orang kata, BhgnKhdmatPengurusan or better known as BKP is actually BAHAGIAN KENA PUKUL. hell man. im so not the right person to do this. im just a normal person. seorang muda (ehe) yang suka berpoya-poya. and so do not like to jaga tepi kain orang mahupun mengambil berat mengenai apa-apa saja yang berkaitan dgn orang lain. there, u have it. as screwed up as it sounds, its the blunt truth. demlah. ull never excel at what u are forced to do. i think im doomed. im damn sure my performancereview will look like sh*t this yr.how on earth la i end up doing this. (actually, i knw why. haha.. but whyyy la im so stupid getting myself into trouble like this. feel like kicking my own ass..) hmm. sbnrnya aku rasa kalau aku betul2 ambik berat apa yg derang kata dalam meeting tadi aku boleh kena depression. this is only the first of many.... HELP ME!!! Tp tulah. aku kena belaja tak amik kisah walau apa pun org ckp kat aku. kiranya kalau aku still boleh senyum-senyum kambing lagi bila orang belasah aku, kira hebat la tu...... and then lepas meeting, semua aku flush down the toilet.. boleh gtu?
this cannot be. apa maknanya semua ini? hehe.. iye, this definitely means that aku kena perhebatkan lagi office politics aku to ensure that i have the opportunity to get out of this hell hole.. seranggg....!
1 say(s) what??:
ko harus jd ala2 b*tch. xpon jd devil wears vincci.
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