Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hoh.. im frickin bored today.. it seems like I have nothing to do since morning. Theres a bit here and there la but I cant do anything till the bosses are back. There are some letters that needs to be sent out urgently…
Anyways, Im killing the time that I have by surfing the net for some recipes… heheh.. a few that I wanted to try out during this fasting month… since we are ‘maidless’ this fasting month, I decided to be the dessert provider.. or otherwise buka puasa will only consists of kurma, air manis and nasik + lauk. B.o.r.i.n.g.
well.. I noticed that a few ppl thot that im hopeless in the kitchen. Well….. I know im not that good la but I sure know my way round there… thing I can say is that don’t judge a book by its cover…. Huhu.. but then I don’t mind that at all… im quite comfortable pretending that I cant tell the difference between a pot and a pan.. like acting dumb and stuffs just to play along.. hehe
i 'ciloked' this tag frm a blog while bloghopping this mornin
five things in my bag
1- wallet
2- pepper spray
3- handphones
4- lipstick & compact
5- keys (house, car,)
five things in my wallet
1- atm card
2- pics
3- JJ Card - hehe
4- licence
5- credit card
five favourite things in my bedroom
1- my bed, my pillows and my comforter
2- altec lansing subwoofer speaker
3- my makeups
4- clothes
5- my bags
five things i wish to do
1- wear pants to work.. huhu (not that I don’t wear anything to work, but we are not allowed to wear pants. Instead we are only allowed to wear skirts and baju kurung..)
2- get rich
3- go for a vacation to europe
4- buy a laptop
5- decorate my own house
five things i am doing right now
1- answering this tag
2- trying to look bz
3- browsing for recipes
4- chatting wit some frends
5- alternating between windows when my bosses walks behind my desk....
im tagging nghl and lla.. hapdet jgn tak hapdet. he he he........
p/s: im leaving u all with this pic.. with a message.. chill~~~~ huhuhu...
panggilan pulau
Monday, May 28, 2007

thank you 4 d album.. ur the best!!!! :D
1st song is quite good.. eventhough i must say, taklah sehebat bintangdisurga, but i still like it. ptrpn lah yang membawak aku ke dalam indn music scene..
dah la tuh.. nak wat kije sambil layan ppan... :D
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Menghps Jjkmu
Teruskan langkah melupakan mu
lelah hati memperhatikan sikapmu
jalan pikiran mu buat ku ragu
tak mungkin ini tetap bartahan
perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
kucoba untuk terus menjauh
perlahan hati ku terbelenggu
ku coba untuk lanjutkan kan hidup
engkau bukan lah segalaku
bukan tempat tuk menghentikan langkahku
usai sudah semua berlalu
biarkan hujan menghapus jejakmu
teruskan langkah melupakan mu
lelah hati memperhatikan sikapmu
jalan pikiran mu buat ku ragu
tak mungkin ini tetap bartahan
perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
kucoba tuk terus menjauh
perlahan hati ku terbelenggu
ku coba tuk lanjutkan hidup
Thursday, May 3, 2007
anyways, ntah kenapalah skrg ni mcm takde idea sangat nak update.. nak kata malas takde lah sangat.. tp maybe sort of takde masa kot nak pk nk ckp psl apa.. ada bbrp benda jgk la yg berlaku but not so major lah. salah satunya project dah mula berjln.. eventhough agak lembab, but its slowly progressing. and another thing i notice a change of heart. for better or worse, i really cant tell for the time being...
till then.. daa..
Friday, April 20, 2007
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I’ll defend it as long as
I can be left here to linger in silence
If I choose to
Would you try to understand it?
Saturday, April 7, 2007

i just watched sayitright vid clip just now and i think that nllyfrtado is frickin hottt! gorgeous! i never thought that shes pretty before but her new image is stunning.. man.. sizzling hot.. and her new album is also super cool.. a lot of great tracks in there.. hmm. she mustve done a lot of work on her body.. and another one, have u seen olivianewtonjohn on newspapers lately? shes coming to malaysia supposedly.. but what i want to say is that she looked so damn young in the ad. must been the wonder works of one hell of a plastic surgeon. i dont think that she was this pretty even during her grease years.. its freaky how she look so young at her age.. well..
hmm.. i guess everybody can look beautiful these days.. and money can really buy anything.. including happiness? hmm...
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Gym Class Heroes
Cupid's Chokehold"
(feat. Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy)
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
It's been some time since we last spoke
This is gonna sound like a bad joke
But momma I fell in love again
It's safe to say I have a new girlfriend
And I know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And I'm afraid I might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'
I mean she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain't love then I don't know what love is
We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun
(ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
It's been awhile since we talked last and I'm tryin' hard not to talk fast
But dad I'm finally thinkin' I may have found the one
Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son
And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn't last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name (ba ba da da)
I love it when she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone
If that ain't love then I don't know what love is (ba ba da da)
It's gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor
She'll be back into my arms once more for sure
Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
She's got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue
I'm not done
She's got eyes comparable to sunrise
And it doesn't stop there
Man I swear
She's got porcelain skin of course she's a ten
And now she's even got her own song
But movin' on
She's got the cutest laugh I ever heard
And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin' one word
And I would still cherish every moment
And when I start to build my future she's the main component
Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here...
Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
hari ni jam lagi
besok mesti jem jugak
kot sana jem
kot sini jem
kot situ pun jem jugaaa
aduihhhhhhhhh... marahnya ah kakkkkk..
tengah2 jem pagi tadi aku surf2 la radio yang pagi2 ni mmg selalunya hampas.. seme sebok nak bercaaaaaakap aje.. rasa nak hempuk sekor2. tak kuasa nak layan. tp sbb cd collection aku dah naik muak aku mendengarnya, aku layankan je la dj2 tu seme... tiba2 aku terdengar lak lagu mwi yg baru tu yg tajuk dia kalu tak silap lgt biru. aku ada la jgk dgr sapa tah kata cam oke je lagu tu.. dan aku pun cuba membuka fikiran dan berfikiran positif untuk cuba melayan lagu tu sepenuh jiwa.. tapiiiiii... aku dapat memastikan akhirnya aku mmg tk dpt menerima mwi lah.. tak masuk langsung.. every single song yg dia nyanyi to me is nsyd... lagu pop ke rock ke jazz ke, asal kau nyanyi mmg jadi nsyd. kompemmm... mintak maaplah fan2 mwi seme.. i dont mean this to be an insult or anything, its just what i feel.. so terpaksalah aku memangkah namanya dalam kamus musik aku selamanya.. atau sehinggalah dia dapat mengubah suaranya atau stail menyanyinya...
sekian, terima kasih.
Monday, April 2, 2007
dam dam betullah.
such an introduction. like everyone dont know already how much i HATE my job.
well.. what to talk about. erm. aku rasa aku mengalami patah jiwa lah. he he he.. camno tuh. tapi aku dapat merasakan jiwa aku patah dua pagi tadi. camna nak sambung balik tu.. pakai gam uhu jelah jawabnya.. minggu depan patah balik..
somebody save me from this hell hole..!
opssss... tercakap pasal keje lagi...
okle.. lets cut the crap and talk bout happy stuffs.. things that i LOVE.. las wik ajak nghl p midval tu bukannya saje2 merambu ramba oke.. tujuan utama adalah utk menyervey pakej yg plg murah utk ke phntian spt yg telah dirancangkan. aku telah membuat perbandingan serta menggunakan swot analysis bagai dan telah membuat beberapa kesimpulan. walaubagaimanapun propsal2 ini masih memerlukan perbincangan ahli mesyuarat tingkap. nevertheless, i still hope nghl can get that accomodation that i so wanted. i have a feeling that we would have a blast if that comes true.. woo hooo!
klah. gotta start doing work now or else i wouldnt be able to sleep on time and waking up 2moro morning will be like hell..
Thursday, March 29, 2007
last wik, monday; my everdearest kak mah came back.. woohooo! shes on a holiday.. ill be a free man in a month or two.. yehaaaa...!! no more chores to think of (and that includes ironing my own work clothes.. how bout that.. hahaha).. i just cant express how glad i am that she came back. cos im starting to get exhausted and frickin bored doing chores at home.. i mean, on weekend its quite alrite, but on workdays?? its unbearable.. anyway, im going to savour each moment of freedom by not lifting a finger at home. yes, im vain. a lazy bum, couch (bed)
potato.. hahaha...
erm, tuesday, wednesday, thursday was quite a blur.. life in the office has been superhectic. this is the result of trying to put chaos into order. i hate my workplace. but then, who doesnt? haha. all im looking forward to was the weekend. on friday, hmm. what did i do on friday ya.. oh yeah, a friend told me that ndji is in town.. and their doing a mini at ruums, if im not mistaken. and its free for astrosubscribers. dem man.. why la he told me that in the last minute.. if i knew it earlier, i wouldve had something exciting to do on a friday nite.. at least leh la release all
tension that has been built up during working days. dem. i can feel the crowd singing along to hapusAku.. aduh. aku tensi. anyways, later that afternoon, a former colleague called and asked wether or not i want ticks to the threeDiva concrt at bktjlil on sunday nite.. without thinking much i said yes and headed to pjya to pick up the tickets. dem i miss my old workplace.
so, on saturday i didnt do much.. went swimming (its been so long since i last went swimming.. and it felt good. orang pun tak ramai like i expected. bess!), had breakfast and watched tv all morning. in the afternoon went out a bit and have dinner outside... met my uncle while at it. dem. i sweat a lil while explaining stuffs. hell man, why do i always meet him while im berpoya2.. aiyaa...
and on sunday morning i went to my future hometown. :) to sign some stuffs. hmm.. quite nervous doing this. making the decision to a lifetime commitment is something not easy. everything went well. harap2 takde masalah besar in the process.. keeping my fingers and toes crossed. and malam tu went to the threedivasconcert with my partner in crime, as usual and 2 other frens. it was a blast!!! malysian singers are pale in comparison to the three of them. POWER HABIS!! and the live music also was superfantastic, out of this world. the musical arrangement is brilliant.. man.. i was stunned. seriously. ternganga aku dengar lagu2 yang derang dah improvise / combine / etc.. they deserve a standing ovation. and frm the three of them, wpun im not that into her, i had to admint that ttDJ has the most powerful voice. in one word, the show was incredible. the crowd was ok too. theyre decent and supportive. i can say the concert has a comfortable feeling to it. mcm ni lah yg kita mau.. takla kecoh macam stgh2 konsert yg aku pergi tu.. paham2 jelah ape yg aku maksudkan.
and so the weekend ends. im flustered. its always like that. friday nite is like wooohoooooooo!!!!" saturday is like "yeah bebeh" sunday is like "erkkk, so fast ahhh" and monday nite is like "huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". yes, i cry myself to sleep every sunday nite (metaphorically.. unless if i on leave on monday. hehe).... thats how much i hate going to work.
then its monday, tues, wednesday, and today thursday again.. my assistant just told me i had to do a 2 hour session with the new staffs. hell man. i dont know what to talk about. but lets save that for later. malas nak pk pasal tu skang ni. buat hilang mood je. hell. so. i guess, hutang2 blog seme dah terbayar. not that i dont have any work to do rite now. tapi tiba2 angin nak blog dah datang. cant help my self. i guess work can wait.. hahaha.. i really got my priorities mixed up i guess.
till later then. chao.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
OF 300 AND 5

Thursday, March 15, 2007

marah tau... ngiaowww
this cannot be. apa maknanya semua ini? hehe.. iye, this definitely means that aku kena perhebatkan lagi office politics aku to ensure that i have the opportunity to get out of this hell hole.. seranggg....!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hey your glass is empty
It’s a hell of a long way home
Why don’t you let me take you
It’s no good to go alone
I never would have opened up
But you seemed so real to me
After all the bullshit I’ve heard
It’s refreshing not to see
I don’t have to pretend
She doesn’t expect it from me
Don’t tell me I haven’t been good to you
Don’t tell me I have never been there for you
Don’t tell me why
Nothing is good enough
Hey little girl would you like some candy
Your momma said that it’s ok
The door is open come on outside
No I can’t come out today
It’s not the wind that cracked your shoulder
And threw you to the ground
Who’s there that makes you so afraid
You’re shaken to the bone
And I don’t understand
You deserve so much more than this
So don’t tell me why
He’s never been good to you
Don’t tell me why
He’s never been there for you
Don’t you know that why
Is simply not good enough
So just let me try
And I will be good to you
Just let me try
And I will be there for you
I’ll show you why
You’re so much more than good enough...
oh ya, lupa nak cite.. ari sabtu tu pegi poya-poya ngan milah zon tengah tgk mkhsn dan seterusnya sesi berfotog di tmpt feveretku, pjya. malang sungguh aku tk dpt bwk kam sbb aku dah discover camna nak ambik gambo yg aku selalu idam2kan..
anyways, mkhsn pada aku tak bes dan agak membosankan. he he he. abis lah aku kena bambuuu pasni.. but then, everyone is entitled to their own opinion kan.. anyways, ada la jugak part2 yg kelaka yang aku leh gelak. tp tak la gelak to my hearts content. gelak biasa2 je. i so the tak suka kalau dalam satu2 cite ada scene yg takde motif. yg tak membawa erti kepada kehidupan. cam tahapa2 nak buat gak scene tu sekadar nak memanjangkan waktu je ataupun buat satu2 scene tu sekadar nak buat gempak tapi cam takde kaitan n takde makna. so the hipokrit. and aku tak suka jugak kalau cerita tu takde kesinambungan babak.. macam rasa potong **** jeee.. hehe.. begitulah adanya.. aku tau korang seme suka. but thats my 2 cents lah. mind u that im hard to please.. :D
tp this doesnt mean that the movie is scrap.. dari segi lain its still an improvement from other malayProductions. and 4 ur info, i looovee Gbra.. despite a few scenes yg i dont think its necessary to put in. other that that, its fine. that story really got to me.
and in conclusion, i think we've had enough of this kind of malayMovie. now its time to move from orkedNFamily to another fresh ideas. cam dah agak buhsan dgn the whole casts.. so its time to find new faces. cukup2lah tu....
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
am keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best! ganbate!
Monday, February 26, 2007
this is my 1st xtvt during last wiken... iaitu bertandang ke mambau for mam's engagement ceremony.. only 3 of us were representing the milah clan as the rest couldnt make it.. i didnt manage to take some shots of the hantaran though due to some technical error.. we arrived there around 1.30 and it was raining heavily. we were shocked to see a few canopies in the yard and so many ppl sampi tertinggal kamera dlm keta. hehe. leh kata ala2 kenduri kawen lah.. meghiahh.. hehhee.. anyways, mam was georgeous in the lime green baju ala2 kebaya.. the make up was also pretty and it looked good in camera... see for urself... food was also good and so banyak kuih muih yang aku sukes... nak pilih pon ssh because i practically love everything served on the table.. we lepak2 and borak2 about all sorts of stuffs (quite a vast extent of topics were covered. but in conclusion, i guess generally milahs are heading towards the direction. we have just realized the importance of being prudent.. hahahaha.. cos apparently, there are more to life than berpoya-poya disamping membeli barang2 yg menggembirakan hati sndiri.. haha).
to be continued.. (kalau rajinlah that is.. :D)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
im soo in the mood to watch tv right now but unfortunately theres nothing interesting to watch on air.... not a single program! bahh.. so darn frustrating. im bored outta my skull right now.. i certainly have loads of work to do (theres a pile of work i brought home from my office to be finished during this hols) but im like, naaahhh.. ive done some this afternoon but i dont feel like continuing tonight.. i have a few dvds to watch, but my stupid laptop dah tak boleh digunakan untuk itu. i think theres something wrong somewhere.. hard disk? ram? dvd rom? motherboard? who knows?? arghh.. talking about this never fails to make me angry.. sentappp ok.. barely 1 yr and its falling apart.. to u guys out there, NEVER EVER buy acerLptops ya.. so unreliable, so not robust.. but ill have to bear with it lah. menggunakannya dengan penuh kasih sayang.. until and when i can see the $$$$ again, then only i can think of a replacement.. (oh, i can imagine MyFirstVaio, the pink one of course!!) as for now, that is not in question, at all.
oh.. looking at my senseless ramblings anda sekalian wouldve guessed how desperate i am tonight.. hmmmm.. apa nak buat ni?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
on another note, happy CNY to all malaysians.. looks like everybody is heading back to their hometown because of the long break, but ill be here to look after this beloved city of mine.. im raking my brains to think of what to do during this long hols. i hope the malls are open this holiday season or else ill go crazy!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
EYE OF MORDOR... cont.
siapa itu?
after the fireworks display ended, we headed to kgBharu to try the ever famous nasiLmkAntrbngsa. everybody tucked in right after the food reaches the table. everybody was super-starved because of the long walk from the car park to the venue (not mentioning hours of time trying to find a carpark as well), 1 hour standing in line, and another hour wait for the fireworks display. the nasiLmk was delish.. compared to the nasiLmkTanglin, this one was wayyy better. i think ill come here again.. no picture of the nasiLmk available sbb dah lapar bangatt. hehehehe.... nyways, here are some pics of the place..
Monday, February 12, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
It's just another day, nothing in my way
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay
So there's nothing left to say
And why'd you lie r
When you wanna die, when you hurt inside
Don't know what you lie for anyway
Now there's nothing left to say
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time
You're having such a nice time..

tengah layan album keane skrg. pada asalnya nak layan muse sbb muse nak datang msia. tp tah camna lak leh tersangkut ngan keane. especially this song la. nothing in my way. the album is quite alrite. still havent familiarize myself with the songs, but i think ill get hooked in no time. have been listening to hinder before this and its quite alright la. and also james morrisson. this one u gotta listen to. bes2 lagu dia. he sounds so sexayy.. :D so next in line is corrineBaileyRae.. ill tell y'all what she sounds like when im done.. l8rs!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
owh.. the internet is up now.. yeay! finally, i can breathe easily.. :D so. problem solved. nak nyelam jap g surf.. :) laters!
Monday, February 5, 2007

its a miracle. i never thought that i wouldve find it again as it has been weeks since ive been searching for it.i thank you god for that miracle and everything that you have given me.
Friday, February 2, 2007

man. i can stay like this forever..
Thursday, February 1, 2007
gamba sekadar hiasan ye kwn2.
tiada kaitan antara yg hdp dan yg mati.
vavis. aku baru taip pnjg2 tiba hilang. terus takde mood aku nak tulis. mcm si*l. so kesimpulan dari apa aku nak tulis adalah spt berikut:
- pegi mkn nsi lmk tnglin pagi ni ngn nghl
- dah lama plan, tp psl ahkak2 ni bz katanya, so byk kali x jadi
- aku amik nsi lmk paru, nghl amik aym
- tak sedap sgt pun
- sambal tak power, paru tak fresh, takde telur rebus
- takleh masuk kategori nasi lemak sebnr
- sedap lagi nasi lmk kat bawh rumah aku tu
- b*ngang nye wireless bikin aku hangin satu badannnnnn
Tuesday, January 30, 2007