today im not that bored cos i was assigned something that i quite like, that i didnt knew that i liked to do it before.. i was unofficially designated as the writer and editor of my office monthly bulletin.. hohoho.. so now i get the chance to play around with mspublishr.. its such a great tool.. i never realized that its so damn easy to create an impressive newsletter.. aku rasa skang ni ok la kot cos i still dont have much on my plate.. but l8r i dont know la, bila dah bernafas setakat idung tu tak tau la ada masa ke tak lagi nak layan menda2 alah ni... but for now, im quite happy doing it.. i even channged the whole layout.. (previously it was done by my boss).. tak tau la apa komen derang... tak kisah la kena kutuk ke hapa janji aku gumbira.. hu hu hu............
on the of this wiken ill be heading north.. baru la berguna balik enrichCard aku yang dah bersawang tu.. ho ho ho....